April 27, 2010 - My mom's birthday..... Was the day my life was turned upside down, my faith shaken, and my soul saddened.
April 29, 2010 - the Sadness was deepened with the delivery and loss of our sweet baby girl, Lily Rene' Martin.
I was 6 months pregnant, enjoying a very healthy non-eventful pregnancy. When a regular check-up unfortunately found my sweet baby to no longer have a heartbeat. I was in shock to say the least, and I remained in that shock for a long time. Two days later, I was admitted to the hospital, labor induced, and unfortunately faced with delivering my sweet baby girl, stillborn, whom I had so many dreams and hopes for as a mother.
She was fully formed just as a tiny precious baby fully intact fingers, toes, face. But, sadly she would never take a breath here on earth outside from my womb, where she had been so alive, healthy, and active for several months. They think her umbilical cord got kinked and cut off her nutrition. It still doesn't make sense at times, but this is what we are left to deal with.
I won't go into all the details of the delivery for now. But it was the hardest thing I will probably ever have to endure, and of course the hardest thing by far that I have ever been faced with at this point in my life. We held her, we cried, I kissed her tiny little feet. And, my soul began to ache deeper than I ever knew possible that day, and still aches so deeply today.
I am known as a "strong" woman. I have completed an Ironman, I am tough, I don't cry much in public, I like to be happy go lucky, I like to think I handle most things somewhat gracefully. But, this has changed all of that for me.
At first, I thought I could just fight through this, check all the steps of the grieving process off, and leave it behind me. Well, I quickly found that I was not strong enough for this on my own. It was way too BIG, and it has been so scary, coming to this realization.
I am a little "OCD" and "Perfectionistic/Overachieving" at times. So, I read 5 books on grieving the death of your baby. While many parts of all of them were helpful and insightful, I realized that this reading/processing would unfortunately not take away the pain or sadness, it would not make me "better faster." I was going to have to ride these waves of this storm out, and there was no clear way to get back to shore by trying to "swim faster."
I have spent the last several months on the roller coaster of "hell" at times. At other times, I have felt the sweet comforting presence of God, friends, and family surrounding so tightly and so comfortably. I have days of many questions of God, days where I just don't think I can take much more. But, I have made it this far, and I have enough hope to know that God will somehow get me through this wilderness of sadness, despair, and utter confusion.
Some days I have truly felt as though I was going "crazy," losing my mind completely. This wasn't supposed to be. Other days, I feel the presence of God, and the striking clarity of life and what is truly important.
We hit our due date for Lily on August 13, 2010. So, after a period of feeling like I was doing pretty well this summer, we were hit with this sad reminder of our loss, and what might have been. But, we made it through the day, and have continued to experience joys and pain of everyday life since then. We don't have other children, so at times we feel lost, without a clear purpose. We had spent so many months getting excited about becoming new parents and raising Lily here on earth with us, our family, and our friends. The days are confusing at times, but routines re-surface, jobs continue, and we see that we can find some sense of rhythm in this day to day life even with the uncertainty of what our future might bring.
Parts of me feel more peace coming each day, despite the really tough days. I have hope at times of what the future might bring for us, and I feel a quiet peace. It doesn't stay full time in my soul, but it feels so soothing, after all these months of pain. I hope I can hang on to this hope and and faith, or at least wake up each day and ask God to help me find it once again.
And, I want to be truly honest about how I have gone about achieving this peace. Not in my old Kristina way, of "being tough, digging my heels in, working harder, doing it on my own. " No, I have been on my knees, helpless and only raised from my weakness by letting my friends help me, letting my family love me, growing more deeply in my marriage with Ted, and pleading desparately with God. I have also attended many hours of professional counseling as well as a support group. I want to admit, that though I am known for always wearing a "smile," and being pretty "strong"....I am not as strong as people might think, and I am truly grateful for all the people that have walked this journey with me.
My favorite verses growing up have been coming back to me, and I have been wrestling with one passage in particular. It used to make me think of running, suffering in marathons, completing Ironmans, building character in every day life. But, now facing something so Big, it is a little more difficult to grasp it so whole heartedly. This experience is way Bigger than either of my Ironman, way Bigger than most things I could have imagined. But, if I let the words seep into my soul, I can hold onto their truth and promise.
Phil 3:10-14
"I want to know Christ and the Power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his suffering, becoming like him in his death, and so somehow, to attain to the Resurrection from the dead. Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Jesus Christ took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But, one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
You're my hero, friend... and don't think yourself any less strong for seeking the help that you sought, and for allowing your family and friends to uphold you in the midst of your sorrows. It takes a strong person to recognize those needs. Know that I love ya and pray for you often.
So happy that you have started writing on the blog again. I love your perspective. Life has a way of deepening us -- even when we don't necessarily want it to. And you know I only say that because I can relate fairly well with you these days.
Hang in there, sweet friend! Hope to see more posts from you.
Love ya,
I'm so glad you are letting those around you help you, Gods hands work through others, and deliver on earth His promise of your bright future full of hope, however far away it may seem some days. We'll continue to pray (one way we feel we can help from so far away!) Lots of love to you and Ted, Kristy
Kristina, I am so glad you shared your experiences. I completely agree with Andrea about your strenght. I hate how women feel that being strong means handling things on their own. I am guilty of that as well but I don't think that is what God intended for us.
Thanks for sharing your journey to healing. I found that when I had really tough losses in my life, it deepened my soul and may me a more compassionate person. Glad you are reaching out for help.
Big hugs-
You are a treasure in our lives - a real gift to our family. When I think about how you nurtured my girls with your mentoring and friendship, I am forever grateful! I also consider you a special friend. You are courageous to write about your pain, and it saddens me so that you are suffering. Your life with Ted has so much to offer and God will make his blessings on you. I will pray for your healing,renewal and restored joy.
We love you and are grateful for the strength you have shown in sharing your story. We pray for comfort and healing for you and Ted regularly.
Thank you for sharing your story........my wife and I just lost twin boys that were 19 weeks along a few days ago...I wrote about it here:
It's encouraging to hear your words....
I found this post because your mother commented on my post.
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