Saturday, January 8, 2011

A New Year - Bring it on for the Martins!

2011 - Here we Go,  A New Journey Lies Ahead!

"... But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently." Romans 8:24-25

I actually really love the start of a New Year! And, to be honest, I am less than sad to see 2010 go, and that chapter of our lives behind us.  It was a tough year to say the least.  But, we survived, and look forward to a brighter future ahead.  2011 doesn't have to be filled with spectacular events, I just want things to be a little smoother and less painful than 2010!  So, I look forward to a fresh start as we turn the pages of the calendar ahead and start a New Year.

I am not crazy about setting 100 resolutions or anything like that, because I am often disappointed by week two when I have broken them.  But, I have had some things on my heart recently that have been interesting.  I shared them with a friend recently as we made my "list" for 2011, and even put it in paper.  It is much different from many of my past lists, but is is intriguing me a bit to see where God will take me this next year.  I almost feel God asking me to be "open" willing to "listen" to his voice and follow his direction.  So, I will share this list with you, knowing that God may change his will, or my direction, but these are some things on my heart for now that I am looking forward to in the next year possibly trying...

1.  Go on a "Mission Trip" - Have just spoken to my dear friend Autumn, and she could easily help me get to Haiti, Honduras, possibly Ecuador, or Africa
2.  Go on a "Spiritual Retreat," possibly a "quiet" retreat.  I generally talk ALOT, so for me to go on a "quiet" retreat would definitely take some divine intervention to get me through!  But, I am hoping that it will help calm my anxious heart and mind, and quiet some of the "noise" I feel right now.  I think getting away and "slowing" down "being still" and yes, even "quiet" might be very good for me!  I have a place I am looking into that my friend Andrea told me about, so looking forward to making this happen.
3.  "More Financial Peace." Ted & I have been very blessed financially, but we a few areas that we would like to take care of, and knowing that we were already planning, and still hope to have a family one day.  We have the goal to be better stewards of our resources in the year to come.  Holly is recruiting us for the Dave Ramsey series, so we are seriously considering and likely going to start the series with them in a couple of weeks, which I think will be good for us.
4.  "Volunteer" with a Boys and Girl's club.  I have always loved hanging out with children of all ages, and I used to be a basketball and soccer player for most of my life.  I have many great memories of playing these sports with various groups of children and it being such a blessing for me.  I attended a basketball game on Christmas day, and the players were honoring many children for the boys and girl's club.  When I saw all the kids come out, I started to really "cry"  which is funny, since at other times, I have so much difficulty expressing true emotion.  But, others like my husband, know that I am really a true "sap" on the inside.  Anyway, when I had that feeling come over me, I knew I needed to remember that moment, and try to really make an effort to volunteer some time with some children in need in the upcoming year!
5.  "Organize and Dump"  I have this internal stress about the "junk" that we accumulate at times.  And, I don't like the feeling of our house feeling "disorderly" when our lives get really busy.  Other times I am literally disgusted by the American habit of "accumulating" gadgets, electronics, books, clothes, etc.. when there are others around the globe who have so little.  Anyway, this is probably a life long goal for me, that will never be quite "completed" in my mind.  But, in taking after the book "The Happiness Project."  I actually think spending the rest of January on this goal, will be beneficial.  There is a freeing aspect of getting rid of unnecessary "clutter" and feeling a little more "organized" at times.  So, I think I will start with this goal first.
6. "Hope" for a Family still to come.  I don't know for sure what God's plans are.  But, I hope that having a family is still in the cards for us.  So far, we have ruled out most complications that would really relate the two losses with some testing we have completed.  So, there is still great hope for us to have our own children.  It may be that the Stillbirth and loss of Lily was indeed caused by the cord problem, and the second miscarriage, was just an early miscarriage that anyone could have had.  The two losses were more than difficult to overcome.  But, we try to maintain our hope in the upcoming year, that even if the year doesn't bring a child before 2012 rings in, that we will see more clearly his purposes and be on the road hopefully closer to becoming parents again.
7.  "Run"  a Half Marathon.  So, I did run a Marathon in 2010, despite the tough year that it was, I was glad to do it for myself and to honor Lily.  However, I did say out loud to my husband, next time if I have some "emotional stress/trauma"  I think I will just try for a "Half Marathon" race.  So, for 2011, following up on the recent miscarriage and 2nd loss in November.  I have decided to do a "Half Marathon."  So, thankful for my running friends who have me well on my way to this goal, as Andrea and I already did a "half marathon" 13.1 mile training run last weekend.  As always, running is therapy, it is stress relief, it is me, and what I love.  So thankful that I have running in my life.  So, next step, signing up for a Half Marathon race for February!

So, I will start the year with these aspirations on my mind, trusting that God will lead me on his path to fulfilling these, or help me to see more clearly what his plans are instead for me as the days unfold.  I feel a bit of a sense of excitement as I used to feel in my younger years of the endless possibilities that may lie ahead, hopefully it will overcome the fear that often overtakes me of worry about what bad things might happen instead.  I must know that even in the painful times that may lie ahead, we are so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful friends, a wonderful church family, and great communities/friends in our jobs.  Sometimes, when you go through tough times you are blinded in amazement with what you really have to be thankful for, that we often don't see in the business of daily life, providing comfort and light ahead in every direction.  But, on the days that I can see this more clearly, it is truly more than AMAZING!

May I take quiet times, to continue to be still, listen for God's voice, and be patient in periods of "waiting"  as I look forward to the continued coming and unfolding of this New Year.  Bring it on for the Martins!  We are glad you are here! Now let's really get Running and see where God will lead us on this journey! 

Happy New Year,


aschweitz said...

Game on! I just registered for Austin. =) Looking forward to it!

Christopher said...

Sounds like your going to have a busy year. Blessings on your journey!